
2018 Fall Adventures in New England

Jennie Montalvo- Bragaw

If you want to be inspired, a great place to get inspiration is one of the homes of the famous author, and self-educated humorist, Samuel L. Clemens, a/k/a Mark Twain, in Hartford, Connecticut. I was amazed by all the beautiful trees and the colors, and the peacefulness I felt standing in front of his home. I saw myself sitting there with a picnic basket, a glass of wine, and a pencil and pad, ready to write a story. One of the things that really impressed me about Mark Twain, was how dedicated he was to his family. The tour guide at the home talked about how Mark Twain’s children would dress up in costumes and act out the stories that Mark Twain wrote. When one of Mark Twain’s children died, he was so overwrought by the experience, he was unable to continue living in the house, although he tried to come back to it, later in life.

Like many of us, Mark Twain experienced tragedy in his life, and he brought that experience to his writing. He did not try to run away from how he felt. He embraced the sorrow and made it a part of his writing. Because the stories of Mark Twain convey so vividly and earnestly who he was, they are still counted among this country’s most valuable contributions to literature.

I flew into Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love, and took one of the double-decker bus tours. I have taken double-decker bus tours in many cities in Europe and in the U.S., and recommend it to anyone who wants to get a good overview of a new city. I was traveling with a friend who had never been to Philadelphia before, so we did the double-decker bus tour so she could see a lot of the sights without having to do a lot of walking. The bust tour includes 26 stops, such as the Liberty Bell, the Art Museum (where Sylvester Stallone ran up the steps in the movie, Rocky), the Delaware River, and many other sights. A few recommendations for Philadelphia, include the Reading Terminal Market on 12th and Arch Streets. Check out the chocolate at Muellers Chocolates. Oh, and don’t forget to load up on pretzels. This is also a great place to get a cheesesteak and have a cocktail.

Travel is a great way to get inspiration. It opens you to new people, climates, and experiences, which is the perfect prescription for a writer struggling to come up with inspiration.

Perhaps you are living on a tight budget and cannot afford to travel to some far-off destination. A less-expensive, but no less effective way to get inspired — take a ride on Uber. I have found that Uber drivers are not shy about talking on a wide range of subjects. When I was in traveling, my Uber drivers were from the Dominican Republic, Ukraine, Florida (relocated to New Jersey), and Egypt.

If you are looking for a great way to inspire your children, please consider The Marble Harvest or Tiny Bigfoot’s Big Choice. Both are available for purchase on my website, www.montalvojen.com, or on Amazon.com
