Huntington Dog Beach

This past weekend, I took my faithful German Shepherd Dog, Lobo, to Huntington Dog Beach. Although Lobo does not really like the water much, he does enjoy running up and down the beach, chasing other dogs, sniffing everything and having a good time. I love Huntington Dog Beach. Watching the dogs and surfers on this beach inspired me, in part, to write my newest book, Tiny Bigfoot’s Big Choice. I’d like to dedicate this post to dogs everywhere, and to those who protect, rescue, house, and care for dogs. Dogs have been companions to humans for tens of thousands of years. They do so many jobs, from guiding the disabled, to herding livestock, sniffing out contraband and explosives, search and rescue, military working dogs, and protectors of home and hearth. Tiny Bigfoot is a surfer, and a dog. I want everyone to be ready for the unleashing of Tiny Bigfoot so I thought I would share some surfing and beach dog photos.
Lobo has been my faithful friend since he was a puppy. He will be nine years old this summer. Although he moves a little slower than he used to, he is still full of fun and loves his trips to the beach! He’s a family dog. He loves people and other dogs, especially retrievers. One of his favorite beach pastimes is chasing retrievers into the surf as they race to retrieve their tennis ball. Lobo won’t go far into the surf like the retrievers do, but he loves mixing it up with them.
I want to introduce you to Tiny Bigfoot, the ultimate surfer dog, and also to the special artist who gave him form, Nzuji De Magalheus.  Nzuji is an extremely talented artist who works in many mediums, and whose work can be seen in museums and in train stations in Los Angeles, New York, Germany, and now in my new book, Tiny Bigfoot’s Big Choice.

I am looking forward to sharing Tiny Bigfoot’s Big Choice with children at schools, libraries and other places in the coming year, and hope you will enjoy reading this story to the special children in your life.